Thursday, June 21, 2007


Caelin is becoming very independent these days. He can climb the stairs up and down all by himself. He loves to be outside playing in the yard, tonight his mission was throwing the ball for the dog. Oh the things you can do when you're two!


Anonymous said...

Watch out, he's just getting started. They get even more energetic as they get older.....two is such an interesting age....enjoy....they grow up so fast.

Anonymous said...

is this dangerous to have your personal information posted like this???.....have you ever done a search for people's names on a site called "copernic"...well just put in the name of someone and you will be suprised what it comes up with. I even found an article that I wrote back in University that had no reason for being on the web but I guess someone at Dal scanned it into their system.....crazy.