Friday, May 25, 2007


What is it about little boys, dogs and rocks. Heading to the beach is the best way to run down a 2 year old. Caelin threw rocks in the Bay for about an hour and the dogs kept fishing for them. Well, actually Kylie, one of our chocolate labs chased the rocks Ross threw and all along Caelin thought they were chasing his rocks. He was having so much fun that it took him a minute to realize that his pants and sneakers were getting all wet. Let me tell you the water was cold! I thought I'd be smart and walk out a ways to get better pictures, I thought my feet were going to fall off! Imagine, as a kid growing up on the shore I would swim in that water and think nothing of if, guess I'm not as tough as I used to be. See what Georgia thought of our outing :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember the cold water back in the days when I was in Girl Guides and we used to swim in the Bay of ice-cold at first but afterwards it didn't seem so bad at all....but now? I'd probably have a heart-attack if I tried it. Cailin looks happy about throwing the rocks anyway and Georgia is keeping nice and dry...good for her.