Thursday, January 22, 2009

all about eyes

Today was eye test day for the boy. Every time we go he gets better at the "games" they play. Little does he know that they're testing him. Or maybe he has it all figured out. This black and white image by the light board is one of my favourites. Each visit, he turns the testing onto me, as if it was my eye test day. He says, "now mummy, YOU stand on the line and tell me what this shape is." Who's being tested here anyways? Eye tests are usually followed by a visit to our optician to get his glasses straightened. Another fav snapped in the mirror. Mirrors make great frames for pictures. Give it a try. Also, if you haven't had your eyes tested lately, and you keep putting it off, go and do it, this world is worth seeing in all its shapes and colours.


Anonymous said...

you're so freakin cute kid, I miss you to pieces

Tanya D'Arcy said...

love it!