Thursday, January 22, 2009

photo a day: jaunary 22

all about eyes

Today was eye test day for the boy. Every time we go he gets better at the "games" they play. Little does he know that they're testing him. Or maybe he has it all figured out. This black and white image by the light board is one of my favourites. Each visit, he turns the testing onto me, as if it was my eye test day. He says, "now mummy, YOU stand on the line and tell me what this shape is." Who's being tested here anyways? Eye tests are usually followed by a visit to our optician to get his glasses straightened. Another fav snapped in the mirror. Mirrors make great frames for pictures. Give it a try. Also, if you haven't had your eyes tested lately, and you keep putting it off, go and do it, this world is worth seeing in all its shapes and colours.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Friday, January 9, 2009


When you're two, walking through a tunnel is a big adventure. Part of our winter walks includes walking through this big "tunnel" and saying "ahhhhh" really loud. OK, I admit, its fun for the big kid too.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

snack time

Here's the girl munching on a new favorite snack - smores. Thanks to a special friend, we have a fun smore maker. It holds the marshmallow, chocolate and crackers in place while steaming in the the micro. Yummy treats they are, almost like being camping. Finger licking good. On the same snack time theme, if you have kids I would highly recommend the Barenaked Ladies kids CD called Snack Time. Our kids love it! The popcorn song is a big hit in this house. Lots of fun and not so bad for the adults either since we have to listen to it too.

Monday, January 5, 2009

photo a day: jaunary 3 2009

OK, so here's me reliving my childhood memories with my son. The boy loves the snow. He looks out the window every morning to make sure its still there. When its not we hear "oh no mommy, the rain took winter away."

This big drift was left over after our New Year's Day storm. When I started digging, the snow was perfect for making snow caves and tunnels. This was day 1's version. Day 2 I added a sky light/snow slide from the top. Fun times.

2009 and my little big word

Here we GO 2009 and I'm ready for you.

Some of you may be familiar with the one little word project (read about it here if you'd like: What's one little word? Choose a word of inspiration for yourself to motivate you throughout the year. When I first looked at things going on here I was drawn to words like relax, calm, peace which are all fantastic words. But there was just something so not my style. So here it little word....GO. Its actually one little big word, and can mean so much. I have a very busy year ahead of me, new job, kids to play with, pictures to take and fun things to do adventures to GO on. GO is going to be my motivator to make the most of every day, to get things done but also motivating me to GO and relax and slow down from time to time. So, here it is GO. Now that I have my word I just need a theme song to going along with it.

What word inspires you? Here I am going....GOing to add a blog picture....finally.